Eileen J. Garrett, founder of the Parapsychology Foundation, (www.parapsychology.org) was one of the world’s most celebrated psychics, noted for her pioneering work in scientific psychical research. A famous trance medium, author, entrepreneur, and publisher, as a gifted clairvoyant, she participated in important psychic investigations on both sides of the Atlantic, beginning in the 1920s and continuing to her death in 1970. Various spirit entities were known to speak through her while in trance. She has been referred to as the premium psychic of her age, the most prominent mediumistic practitioner of the twentieth century. She dedicated her life to finding answers to questions raised by psychic functioning in her support of the science of parapsychology.
LISETTE COLY, has dedicated over 50 years of her career to the Parapsychology Foundation ( www.parapsychology.org) where she currently serves as president. Author of a monthly blog series within www.parapsychology.org she authors other books, most recently highlighting Garrett, “Call me Lucifer, Dialogues with a Noble Stranger.” She maintains personally both a public face book page and you tube channel, entitled Supernormal Legacy in addition to those of Parapsychology Foundation.